Thursday, September 20, 2007

Payton (aka Evel Knievel)

We obviously haven't mastered the electric scooter yet. We still aren't sure how this happened exactly, but we know for a fact that braking was NOT involved. I was watching from the window when she went flying down the driveway and disappeared on the ground behind the brick mailbox. I heard the screams before I got out there and when I ran up, I saw blood coming from her chin. When Holland saw her, she covered her mouth and said, "Oh my goodness!!" and the next thing she said was, "Are you gonna put this on the blog?". Why not? We went back and forth all night trying to decide whether or not to go to the ER because we knew by the time we got there and actually saw a doctor that it probably wouldn't be bleeding anymore. And sure enough, it had pretty much stopped by 9 that night. We're keeping it bandaged up for the next couple of days and we're expecting her to make a full recovery. We'll just have to put the ramps up until she learns where the brakes are.

1 comment:

Joy said...


We're sorry about your fall and hope you feel better soon!

Love, Uncle Seth, Aunt Joy and Oliver